Chirimena EcoTours加利福尼亚
Chirimena EcoTours c.a.)
- 委内瑞拉
- 加拉加斯
- 旅行社
加拉加斯(Caracas) |
5 率
+58 04142490244
amir khalil (14.07.2013 06:06)
Dear Sir, We are an international school in Saudi Arabia. I am the supervizor of English. We are imploying teachers from Guyana but we don't have an embassy there. We need a travel agency to finish the vizas from the Saudi Embassy in Caracas. I wonder if your agency can do this? If not, Can you give me any contact information of any agency which can take the vizas out to the teachers we deal with from Guyana. I look forward to hearing from you. Mr. Amir Khalil General Supervizor of English Al Marefa Schools Makkah, Saudi Arabia