

图片 哥德堡
图片 哥德堡 在Panoramio的
商业类别 哥德堡
旅游忠告和警告 哥德堡
Tourism There are two tourist information offices in central Gothenburg - one in the Nordstan shopping center (next to the central train station) and one on Kungsportsplatsen about ten minutes walk from Nordstan. Gothenburg's official tourist website is another source of information. They offer the Gothenburg City Pass which allows entry into many tourist attractions, grand houses, museums as well as offering free travel on trams and buses and free parking. Recently, this pass was made available to people's mobile phones making it not only the most cost effective means of sight seeing but also the most convenient.
Cultura Gothenburg (Swedish: Göteborg, pronounced "Yeutebory") is the second largest city in Sweden with approximately 500, 000 inhabitants (2008) in the municipality. It is situated on Sweden's west coast at the outlet of the Göta river. With over 60, 000 students Gothenburg University is the largest in Scandinavia. Gothenburg has a reputation of being a friendly place, even more welcoming than the Swedish capital. Gothenburg is a city founded in the beginning of the 17th century by the Swedish King, Gustav II Adolf. It was once the center of the Swedish ship-building industry but with rising competition from foreign ship yards, many of the dry docks had to close down. Much of the inner harbor area has changed from industrial ship building to high technology and education, representative of the general change in the city
Sights Gothenburg Art Museum (Göteborgs Konstmuseum), Götaplatsen, . Housed in a magnificent edifice flanked by the theater and concert hall, it features a world-class collection of Nordic art. The adjacent Hasselblad Center periodically holds public exhibitions, and the Art Hall (free entrance) features contemporary art.
Gothenburg City Museum (Göteborgs Stadsmuseum), Norra Hamngatan 12, . Covers the history of the city and region from prehistoric times to the present, with emphasis on the 19th-century Swedish East India Company, which was once housed in the building.
Universeum, Södra Vägen 50 (Liseberg), . A new museum focusing on the environment with an indoor rainforest, experiment workshop etc.
Museum of World Culture, Södra Vägen 54 (Liseberg), . A cultural counterpart to the science-oriented Universeum, it's a museum of ethnography and anthropology, with a thoroughly contemporary approach. There are regular special events such as concerts, films, and lectures. Free entrance to some of the museum's exhibits.


哥德堡, 瑞典

星期六 5, 10月

从Wikipedia约 哥德堡

哥德堡 (瑞典語:Göteborg )是瑞典的第二大城市,仅次於首都斯德哥尔摩。哥特堡近邻瑞典与挪威的边界,也是瑞典经济最发达的城市之一。哥特堡是瑞典享譽全球的汽車製造廠沃尔沃汽車之創廠地,而瑞典超級足球聯賽中的哥登堡足球會則是一支以哥德堡為主場的球隊。同时它也拥有在斯堪的纳维亚地区最多學生的哥德堡大学(Göteborgs universitet)。

Description above from the Wikipedia, licensed under CC-BY-SA full list of contributors here.