

图片 德累斯顿
图片 德累斯顿 在Panoramio的
商业类别 德累斯顿
旅游忠告和警告 德累斯顿
Cultura Dresden became a city in 1206 and recently celebrated its 800th birthday in 2006.
It was home to many Saxon princes and kings, the most famous of them being August der Starke (heyyyyyyAugustus the Strong), whose kingdom included Poland as well. They apertained to the family of the Wettiner and were closely related to many other European royal families. Many buildings date from their reign and especially the rich art collections are testimony of their extreme wealth. The "Madonna Sixtina" was for instance bought by the son of August the Strong. The last Saxon king abdicated in 1918.
Shopping The main shopping district in Dresden extends from Ferdinandplatz to the west of Sankt-Petersburger Straße northwest to about Wilsdruffer Straße (search for Altmarkt). At the south end (Ferdinandplatz) is a cinema, a couple of restaurants, and a huge Karstadt department store (which also sells groceries). On the north end is a covered mall.

Drink The Neustadt is a very popular destination, especially for younger people. It has a high number of bars and clubs, with many different styles. Especially the area around Alberplatz is filled with places to go.
The area around the Frauenkirche and Dresden Castle is very popular with tourists. Some fine restaurants are located there.
The Weiße Gasse is just around the corner of the Altmarkt near the shopping center and the historical town. Good alternative, if you do not want to go to the Neustadt.

德累斯顿, 德国

星期五 4, 10月

从Wikipedia约 德累斯顿

德累斯顿 (德语:Dresden ;索布语:Drježdźany,意为河边森林的人们,-{zh-hans:台湾音译为德勒斯登 ; zh-hant:中國大陸音譯為德累斯頓 ;}-)是德國萨克森自由州 的首府,德国东部重要的文化、政治和经济中心。它位於德國的東南方,易北河谷地,南面離捷克邊界僅30公里,距捷克首都布拉格150公里,北面距離德國首都柏林200公里,离西北方萨克森州另一个大城市莱比锡100公里。

德累斯顿的城市人口约50万(2006年),都会区人口共有125万,而德累斯顿所在的萨克森三角城市聚集区 共有320万人,被列为德国主要大城市之一。

殘留的考古學上的踪跡可以證明,後來成為城市區域的地區在石器時代已有人類定居。在可考的文字記錄中,德累斯頓最早於1206年被提及,並被發展為選帝侯以及後來的皇家領地,之後更成為歷史上的薩克森王國的首都,拥有数百年的繁荣史、灿烂的文化艺术,和无数精美的巴洛克建筑(德累斯顿的巴洛克风格),被誉为欧洲最美丽的城市之一。作为重要的文化中心,德累斯顿又被称为“易北河上的佛罗伦萨” 。


德累斯顿还是一个重要的科學研究中心,拥有许多研究人员。该市经常被称为“德国硅谷” 。德累斯顿工业大学 是世界上最古老的科技大学之一。

由于地处狭窄的河谷,德累斯顿的气候类似于德国南部,比德国东部大部分地方温暖。2002年德累斯顿列为欧洲绿化最好的大城市:三分之一地区被森林覆盖。“大花园” (Großer Garten)是该市最大的城市公园。
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